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The Bright Side and Dark Side of Intuition

*Heads up, I will not be addressing these in order because I want my thoughts to be clear and research to be insightful and for that to happen, I need to follow the flow of what components of the INFJ personality type that I feel drawn to dig into. Currently, as I learn more about myself and learn how to properly listen to my own intuition and balance how to manage being intuitive in relationships and not always make decisions in life based on it, I felt drawn to start with digging deeper into what being intuitive is and see what the Bible has to say about it. * The “N” of INFJ.  Intuition. A word that maybe you’ve heard many times. We may use it when talking about a feeling we had when we met someone, when we went for a job interview, when a friend came to us and sought advice or shared a situation or it may just be something we feel upon being in a certain environment.  The official definition of intuition is: “a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know somet...

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