Still just as good.

    When I lived in Ireland a couple years ago, there was mountain called “Sugar Loaf” I hiked. Every summer, a missions organization I was with called Serge and a campus ministry called, CUI (Christian Unions Ireland) and I along with other staff would take our summer interns there for the day. We would hike up the mountain then gaze out at the top at the beautiful countryside of Wicklow that stretched out below us. There were 2 routes to take. There was a walk you could do that gradually got higher and took you to the top or if you really wanted to, you could go straight up the mountain but had to climb it with your hands and feet at some points due to the steep incline.


    I always liked a challenge so personally I chose to go straight up the mountain. At some points climbing nearly on my hands and knees, awkwardly crawling over the rubble of stones. I did it when I, myself was an intern fresh out of college and the summer that followed 3 years later, I did it again. 

    Yet everytime I started it, I kicked myself in the head at a certain point for going straight up the mountain. I was out of breath, my shins hurt. I felt like I had been running even though I hadn't been. (Ok I may have done some sprinting over the rocks) Overtime though as I kept hiking up, I grew stronger and felt more motivated to reach the top. I would reach the top, dripping sweat and heaving heavily. The view at the top always felt worth it though and I felt like I don't know just more accomplished by not taking the “easy” route. It was like I was miserable for a time but then the misery was worth it in the end. 

    Top view of "Sugar Loaf"


    I think sometimes God allows our lives to re-route, gives us a true insight into what our hearts really look like or allows trials to sanctify us but it doesn’t feel good. It’s a sweat dripping, swearing as you stumble over rocks and mumble prayers, moving your feet forward but pretty uncertain about what lies ahead at the top type of hike. It feels painful. 

    I think that even if we don’t know what’s at the top, sometimes we just have to focus on the fact that eternity with Him is a given. Being made to look like his Son, even when it’s not fun, is a given. Sometimes it feels like a gentle reconstructing of our hearts and minds to align with Him but other times, dang! It feels like being bulldozed over. It's in the times when God says “no” or “not yet”,  when He gives you a deeper insight into your own heart and the work that needs to be done, when God uses something but He doesn't use it how you thought He was originally going to, when you receive that devastating phone call or diagnosis. Whatever it may be for you today. He uses those things to refine us and strengthen us but it doesn't feel as "good" as minor conviction here and there or people in our lives pointing out our personal blind spots. Those aren't necessarily "fun" places to be either but most of the time it's not as painful. 

      At first, we beat our fists and yell and fight the refining. We may take our anger or frustration out on others. We don’t want to learn lessons, we don’t want to be made to look like Christ or at least not through _________. But then we come to a place of surrender, we let go and focus on who God is. We ask for his peace and like he actually gives it. Even when things around us say we shouldn’t feel peace, God gives it. So with the peace, we keep on climbing. The route doesn’t feel any easier but we know that we can take it with Him, because He is there. We see that we can be both struggling to get to the top but also carry with us an indescribable peace. 

    So today know that whatever it is for you, whether that be in the unknowns, in the re-routing, in the discouragement, in the painful process of seeing your own heart in a less flattering way or in the health news you didn’t want, He is still there. He is still faithful and He is still good. I can’t promise you what reaching the top will exactly look like this side of Heaven, but I know that you will get there. 

I’ve been encouraged by a song lately Spotify introduced me to the other day. I hope you can be encouraged by it too. I’ll share it below. 

Until next time,



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