Be still-Reflections from advent


  Most years, I always tell myself I'm going to do an advent reading to prepare for Christmas but then I never do. This year, I finally took the plunge and decided to make an advent devotional a priority. I put my other devotional reading on pause and instead decided to spend more time meditating on and reflecting on advent readings. The one I've been loving lately is this one here by Hannah Brencher. It's never too late to hop in, so feel free to subscribe and get them in your email inbox! She writes in a way that is engaging and has very clearly put in the research of digging deeper into the passages, to help readers gain more understanding and insight. Reading it has made advent season come alive for me. It has made the eagerness and anticipation of Jesus' birth more relatable. 

Like many of you, it is easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everything this season. Buy the gifts, decorate the home, coordinate the family schedule, make the cards, plan the parties, go to the parties, wrap the presents, watch the movies (etc). It's very easy to in all the things "to do" this time of year to forget why we celebrate Christmas. I know I tend to most years. I have noticed that sometimes in life I can be consumed by my own "to do" list that I forget to slow down and be present. I've been reading the "Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer and it has totally changed my perspective on what it means to actually have a sabbath. I used to think that sabbath meant spending hours in worship, prayer and reading the Bible. While those things are a part of it, I didn't realize that sabbath could also be a lifestyle or simply engaging in things that are refreshing. Spending time with friends and loved ones, reading a book, going for a walk outside or taking a nap. Those things can be sabbath as well. 

I have also realized sabbath can be a mindset, it's slowing down and being present. Focusing on the here and now. This advent season, I feel God nudging me to set aside my list of "to-do's" and my desire to jump ahead on things and instead be present with what's in front of me. It's ok to plan ahead but in the midst of planning ahead, what does it look like to still be still. To let the quiet peace of Christ fill you and embrace where you are now. For example, I have certain financial goals and if I want to reach them, I need to make some changes. However in the process of making those changes, I still need to make the most of what's before me and give it my best even though I look toward making a change. Maybe you can relate? Maybe you have things on your "to-do" list that distract you from being present right where you are. Maybe you want to move to a new location, get a new job , get to a new life stage or have dreams of living temporarily abroad? Those things are all good and well, but until you get there, don't miss out on what God wants to teach you right where you are. Allow right where you are to sharpen you, challenge you and change you.

Whatever it is for you, how can you not totally throw the dreams and plans out the door, but still be quiet and make the most of exactly where you are? 

As you anticipate, the coming of Christ-How can you be present today? How can you let him fill you and steady you? How can you focus on the peace that is found in him alone in the midst of all the hustle and bustle and literal and personal "to-do's"?

Welp! As always, I hope that this could encourage you  in some way, have a great week!



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