Dear Friend

Hey You,

I just wanted to write you a little letter to let you know how LOVED you are. I know that sometimes it may be hard to see. That it may be easy to wonder if people truly care. I promise you they do. There are people in your life that love you more than you can begin to get your head around. You mean more to them than you know. So whatever is going on for you right now, don't give up. Don't lose hope. Keep fighting and keep going. I promise that whatever it is will pass. You have SO much to offer. So much to give those around you and people you haven't even met yet. So stay, take it one day at a time and see what you were made for. The best is yet to come.

Much love,
Someone who cares


   Back in January, I began reading this book by this woman, Hannah Brencher. It was called "Come Matter Here" I found it helped me to stay present as in December I came to a time in my life where looking at the x number of years of my life made me freak out a bit as I felt my dreams and my reality begin to clash and financial pressures build up. The clashing and financial stresses led me to feel overwhelmed, as if I was drowning, leading to feelings of depression at moments. I read in the book that Hannah really wrestled with depression and one of her ways of coping with it was that she began writing "love letters" to strangers and planted them all around NYC. I felt inspired by her so I decided to write a few of my own "love letters" in February and began planting them around my hometown in Philly.
   I found that writing them began to help me deal with the things I was feeling. My worries and stress about the future began to feel less overwhelming. I felt less negative about the road ahead. I had forgotten about those letters since COVID-19 hit as I've stopped planting them knowing that people wouldn't be walking around small towns or shopping centres much anymore. This morning as I was reminded that this month was Mental Health awareness month, I began thinking about those letters again and decided to share one virtually. I know that life looks really overwhelming and uncertain right now and everyone is losing different things at this time. So I hope that maybe, maybe this can help in some way. Feel free to pass it on xo


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