3 Things to Remember in Times of Uncertainty

 I’ll try not to make this a long post. Like many of you, my world got turned upside last week as I got news that the corona virus was spreading faster throughout Pennsylvania and the government asked that all schools be closed until April. Panic and anxiety seized my heart as I worried about how I was going to make money over the next 2 weeks as I work with clients in schools. If the schools aren’t open then I can’t work with my clients. I only get paid when I see my clients. Then I heard about how the youth club I was involved in followed the schools and that I wouldn’t get to see my teens, who I always look forward to seeing each week. And then I began to hear about social distancing and how all my favorite restaurants and coffee shops were going to be closed as well. The places I would look forward to going to with friends on the weekend to catch up. Then my gym closed on Sunday and well, you know where it goes from there. The library closed, the state parks closed, the mall closed, the movie theater closed and my county strongly encouraged us to avoid leaving our homes. 
  I’m mostly an introvert so I gain energy when I am by myself instead of with others but I still like being out there in the world. I love being out and about. The friends I am closest  to often give me energy and refresh me rather than drain me. So I find that time with them is sometimes what I need. I love going to parks for runs and exploring state parks with my family. It feels awful to have those things temporarily taken away, I won’t sugarcoat it. 

I don’t have much to say aside from these 3 things, so here are 3 things I learned from 3 days of being quarantined that I hope can be an encouragement in some way to you during this time:

1.) It’s ok to Grieve- No matter how big or small the thing that you’re upset about missing is, it’s ok and healthy to be sad about it and even get mad about it. Whether it’s a loss of work, school, sports, finances, face to face time with friends, having to be isolated, or even a birthday party that you were looking forward to, it’s ok to be sad about it and even cry over it.  Don’t just push it away and have a “just get on with it” attitude. It is healthy and good to not leave your emotions bottled up. 

2.) Be Kind- I don’t know about you but I like to think that when stressful situations arise, I have a good attitude but the truth is when truly, high stress situations come my way I often respond instead with sass and a bit of anger. My patience level drops and I become easily irritated. Whether it’s in the foodstore or at home, be kind. Be considerate of those who may have trouble getting the items they need, only pick up the items you need for a week or 2.  Don’t hog the toilet paper! (haha) All we can do is take this one day at a time. Be kind to your family or housemates, ask them what they need. We need to support each other during this time. 

3.)“He will carry you through”-On Sunday morning, I was reading through my devotional and the past while it’s been talking about Jesus in the wilderness, being in the wilderness and how God carried the Israelites through the wilderness. The verse I read this past Sunday was,

“Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place!” 

-Deuteronomy 1:29-31

Oh, this verse could have not been more timely. I must admit rather than being filled with comfort, I initially asked God “yea but how long? How long do we have to do this thing that kind of feels like being in the wilderness?” I felt an extra smidge of bitterness as I felt like I was finally beginning to truly settle into being back in America, I was 2 months away from the 6 month mark. Everything in my life was moving forward and had begun to feel a bit “normal” again, I was finding contentment with where I was at and now THIS. I didn't accept that verse with open hands on Sunday, but I am accepting it now.

If there is any bitterness in you as well because you feel like your life has just suddenly stopped, be honest about those feelings. Take them to God. He knows you’re feeling it already so might as well tell Him. He cares for you. I don’t know how long this will last. I’m far from a doctor or a scientist, I’m in social services for flip’s sake. But I do believe this, HE WILL CARRY YOU THROUGH. God is greater than anything in the world and He loves his people and He will carry us when things are crumbling. 
  I won't lie to you, I am worried but I still believe He will carry us through this. It won’t last forever and there is hope. Like any other dark time, even though this one seems darker than other times as if we’re nearly in World War 3 but the weapon is a virus and not a human, this too will pass. 

So keep on, keep in touch with your friends (virtually, obviously) and keep praying, we will all get through this because He carries us.

To close, I'd like to leave you with a song. I hope you can find it to be a comfort during this time.

Stay safe xx

Much love,


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