What to Do When You Don't Know Which Path To Take

  Yesterday, I opened up my Facebook and saw a notification in my high school class group that our 10 year High School reunion would be in November 2020. “Janey! 2020?! I don’t even know what my plans are next weekend” I thought to myself. Then I began to panic. 2020! Where will I even be in 2020? I literally don’t even know where in the world, I’ll even be in 2020.
  I like to consider myself as someone who doesn’t worry much. In daily life, I like to go with the flow and just take things as they come. In college, I was a big procrastinator. I seemed to just work better under pressure. I wouldn’t even really worry too much about assignments until the due date got closer. However, recently as my 2 year term in Ireland comes to a close in a little under 5 months and I have to have some idea of where I am headed after Ireland, I find myself worrying more. How soon until I can return to Ireland and see friends? How soon until I can return and do something I’m really passionate about and have a heart for? Will I ever pay off my student loans? What will I even be able to afford to do back in America? Where will I work in the time in between? Will I be able to get a job in the social work field or have to work at in retail, Chic-fil-A or even worse, Burger King?! How will people respond to how I've changed over these 2 years? And the list goes on……
     I find myself weighing the pros and the cons of what the next number of years of my life could look like. I feel like I need to decide ASAP for how long I want to be back in America. I want someone to tell me what to do but at the same time, whenever someone tells me what to do, I don’t want to listen. Instead, it’s like I’d rather have something more tangible, some sort of sign or something; like a job offer or a generous amount of money to rid me of my student loans forever. 
   I want to return to Ireland, because it has become a 2nd home to me and I would really love to continue to be involved in the things that I am currently involved in but maybe not forever because I am close to my family. I want to enjoy my time back in America, spend time with family and friends, remember what my life in America is like but I don’t want to live in America forever, not because I dislike America. There are things that I like about America that I have missed during my time here.
   Every country and community has its pros and cons. It’s just that the older I get, the more I learn and the more experiences I have, the more open-minded I’ve become to end up anywhere (or well…. anywhere that there aren’t any tarantulas or abnormally sized snakes) So what do you do when you’re approaching a transition and have some decisions to make? How do you know what to choose when at the moment it feels like there are 2 really good paths in front of you, and it’s up to you which one you take?
  Late last night, I found a letter from a friend in college. She found it online somewhere or maybe it was in a book. I don’t remember. She had given it to a couple of us randomly one day, just to encourage us in life to always look at Jesus. I don’t know who originally wrote it but I would like to share the end bit with you. There are a few verses that are mainly targeted towards women but the rest are for anybody. If you feel like you are torn about a decision or just worried about what implications your choices could have on your life, feel free to read them. Read as many or less as you’d like. Pick the ones that you feel you relate to at the moment.

You are my daughter, my queen (Rev. 1:6),
You are royalty, you are my righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21)
Your worth is FAR ABOVE rubies, you are wisdom, virtuous (Prov. 31:10)
Strength and honor are your clothing (Prov. 31:25)
 I made you to open your mouth with wisdom, and on your tongue having the law of kindness (Prov. 31:26)
You are my child(1 John 3:2)
You are redeemed (Colossians1:13-14)
Bought by the blood of my Son (1 Cor. 6:19-21)
You are chosen (Eph.1:4)
You are justified (Romans 3:24)
You are one with Me (2 Cor. 5:18)
You are free from all guilt and condemnation (Romans 8:1-2)
You are my temple (1Cor. 3:16)
I love you more than you will ever know. My very essences is love and I can do nothing else but love you perfectly. Let me satisfy you. Trust Me. I know it is scary. But I have given you a Spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind - not of fear (2 Tim. 1:7). You are more powerful than you think. I love you, trust Me.

Love, Your Father
See, I think that when there are decisions before us, decisions that can impact our future or a transition that can fill us with both peace and anxiety as it makes us think more about our future; the best thing to remember is who we belong to and who we are. God is with us wherever we go and He holds every day in His hands. He is with me no matter where I end up working or no matter where I end up living the next how many years of my life. I struggle to remember and accept that but I am thankful to have friends who will remind me of that over and over again.
  To my prayer and financial partners/supporters, I would really love some prayer as I talk with different charities and ministries to get ideas of what could come next in the near future. I really am thankful for you all and would not be able to be here and be involved in the various church programmes and school programmes that I am passionate about. Thank you!
To whoever is reading this, I’d like to leave you with a song that I have found helpful when I worry about the future. I hope you can find it helpful too if you are worried about the future or going through a big transition.

Have a great weekend!

Much love,


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