with a grateful heart

   This past Thanksgiving, I woke up missing home more than I expected to. After all, I had only just been home in October and knew I was going to be home later in December for Christmas. I also feel much more settled than I did last November so I didn’t expect to wake up with a similar ache in my heart to hop on a plane and head back home just for a day. But let me tell you, there is something about being away from home on a holiday. No matter how settled you may feel wherever you go, you will miss your home. You will miss watching parades on TV and waking up in your childhood home to coffee and Wegman’s muffins. You will miss the annual walk around Tyler State Park and falling asleep to the sounds of the big NFL game after the food coma hits. 
  Despite the sadness that I felt last Thursday as I realised I could not be with my family on Thanksgiving, as I sit here in this coffee shop with a chai latte to my right, I think about all that I am thankful for as this month that is focused on gratitude comes to a close(cliché, I know). I cannot find the words to share how truly thankful I am as I reflect on the past year and a bit. In times that seemed uncertain, scary or lonely, God showed up and He offered direction and provided people to encourage me and challenge me. I think of how I came to Dublin to work with youth and share Jesus with youth who don’t know him and help youth grow closer to him. While, I have had opportunities to do so, I have been even more blessed by people here. People who have opened up their homes to me on holidays when I couldn’t go home. People who have shown me what it looks like to give up your time for others and really invest in them. Friends who have opened up their homes to me even when it's not a holiday. Friends who have both encouraged and challenged me in my relationship with Jesus and have opened my eyes to what it looks like to really walk in step with him. Friends who have offered their time to help me with projects and financial things when I couldn’t do it or figure it out by myself. I am immensely grateful.
   If you are in a stage of life where things look scary, you feel lonely, or you feel unsettled, don’t worry or give up. I promise you, those days will pass. I promise you, you will feel settled someday. Whether, it’s a new job or new location. Be patient, give it time and keep getting involved in your new town/state/country. Make the most of the opportunities before you and be patient on the days where you feel lost, confused or homesick. Ask others for help if there’s things you don’t understand. It’s all normal. And I promise you it will be okay! I hope that by sharing with you my reflection on this past year and a bit, you can know that the unsettling and scary time of something new will pass for you too.
   To my family in PA and friends, both back in the States and here in Ireland, I am so thankful for you and I could not have gotten through this past year without all your prayers, support, guidance and encouragement. Thank you.

I hope you all have a great week!

Much Love,

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever-Psalm 107:1


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