My Jesus

Let me tell you about my Jesus
My sweet Savior
Who paid my price
Who offers me 2nd and 15th chances
Who offers me new life

He took every single bit of my sin and shame
Every foul word I've screamed in my head
The things that no one knows I said or did
Every anxiety that I let control me
Every selfish motive that in the end, ruined me

Every failure and every flaw
Every bit of anger that I stored
Every lie I told
Every ounce of self righteous pride that I held
Every fear and doubt that took hold of me
Everytime I tried to do it all on my own
It was poured out on him as he hung on the cross

He rose again just 3 days later after died, couquering death
He gives me strength when I have none
He helps me love others when I am too afraid or stubborn
He gave me access to God
It's because of him, that I can utter even a single prayer to God

He gives me boldness and courage to do the things that I am too afraid to do
He gives me confidence
Teaches me to look at him for it, instead of within

He daily reminds me to accept his grace
and that there is NOTHING I could do to ever take his place

He weaps, when I weap
He rejoices, when I rejoice
He carries the load when I cannot
He gives me the words to speak when I have none

He released the chains on me
Chains of worry, depression, shame, greed, pride, lust and control
He lifted me out of the pit
out of muck and mire,
out of dirt and weeds

He washed me white,
made me pure,
washed me clean
and set me free

He said that I was no longer an orphan but instead a child of God
Redeemed, forgiven, restored, loved deeply
and free from condemnation

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I am found
I was blind, but now I see


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