Day 14: Share Hope in the Midst of Brokenness

    I don't know why this particular news story caused me to really see how broken and messed up this world is becoming. You would think that the creepy clowns wandering around in California or the man who shot the state trooper on the spot or the bank robbery that took place just 3 weeks ago only 15 minutes from my home would have been just enough to make me say, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Jesus, please come back." While those events and other events have caused me to reflect on what a frightening place our world can be. The video I caught on the news yesterday at the gym made me not only afraid but also disgusted by mankind's evil.
  I've heard and read bits and pieces of things that the ISIS had been doing but this was the first time I actually watched a news story with footage. I couldn't hear what was going on because I had my headphones in but those giant flat-screen TVs they place directly above the treadmills and ellipticals are nearly impossible to look away from. The news headline that I read stated: "ISIS Slave Market Jokes About Dead Sex Slaves". I watched in disgust as I saw the men involved laughing and then read some of their remarks. As the story ended, I thought to myself, "Man, this world is so messed up. How can a human being laugh about the torture they've inflicted on another person?" Sometimes I wonder if things are really getting worse in the world or if it just seems worse because I'm paying more attention to the news, as I get older.
      There's no denying the world is messed up. I try to remind myself  when I hear awful news stories that I should not be suprised because this world is fallen with fallen people. The Bible tells us straight up what to expect and so we shouldn't really be shocked, when we see these news headlines. In John 16:33, Jesus says "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world". The things we hear about aren't any less horrible because we were told it would be horrible. It's still awful. However, despite this awfulness because Jesus has overcome we do not need to live in fear and refuse to leave our homes because we are afraid of what could happen to us. In the midst of these terrible times, twisted minds, and unexpected sufferings, we can share hope with others. We can share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
  Good has overcome evil already because of Christ. There will be a day when all evil is rid of for good. Revelation 20:14 states, "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:10 speaks about how the devil and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. After these events, God will make a new heaven and new earth. He will wipe away "every tear from [our] eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4).
  Though people may argue that we have every right to be afraid and every right to fear what might happen next, we do not need to fear because Jesus has overcome, he's coming back (Acts 1:11) and he's going to take his people home (1 Thessalonians 13-18).
  When fear cripples you and the world seems like too much, remember that you do not need to fear, you can have hope because though the days seem frightening and discouraging, they will come to an end. May the hope you have in Jesus and of God's future promises, give you courage til' you breathe your final breath on this earth.


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