Day 13: Whatever You Do, Do it for Him

I've found over the years that those verses you grow up learning in Sunday school that you threw around casually seem to hold more weight to them than I realized. Lately, the one that has been hitting me is Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

    You see I think I understand this verse when I go throughout my days and decide that I want to do my best to honor Him, but I've rarely thought that what I am doing throughout my day, I do for Him. For example, when I am at work,  I think about how I am working for myself; to pay off my student loans. I am working to serve the customers around me, I am working because I made a commitment 6 months ago, when I accepted this job. So you can see that if I am thinking of these things as I am working, it makes sense that I would give up on the efforts I put into my time there. It makes sense that I would dread going to work on the days when I am tired and really don't feel like working that shift I have coming up. However, I was thinking this morning after a friend mentioned something about being diligent in school work as a way to worship God and I was hit with the realization that I do not work for God when I am at work. I try to remember to honor Him as in reflect Him, but I don't look at my job as a way I can worship or serve Him.
       Yet, if I am correct on what Colossians 3:17 is saying, I think that we are to be not only aiming to honor God in the things we do as a way to glorify Him, in the sense that we want to make sure we are being kind or patient so we can show attributes of Christ but that we should also see that the things we are doing, can be a way of serving God even though it may not feel like they are. As I realize this my mind is totally blown. I keep looking over Colossians 3:17 and saying to myself, "How did I forget about this?"I can't help but feel a smile tug at my lips this morning as I type this though. I am very grateful that God can use others in our lives to remind us of things that we need to remember. I am very grateful that He is patient with us as we learn more about Him and learn things that we need to apply to our lives.
    May you be reminded today that the job, schoolwork or internship you have currently, can be a way of serving God. May this reminder help you to be diligent and not give up even though it may be difficult.



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