Day One: What Do I know of Holy? Holiness is Christ in Me

Welp, today kicks off this #write31days challenge I've decided to take. I can't lie seconds after I joined it, I immediately began to question it. I asked myself if I would be able to keep up with writing every day. I wondered if the topic I picked was a bit far-fetched because to be honest I don't know exactly what to write about regarding holiness for all 31 days. And of course I worried about my writing quality because there are some days where I know I will be too exhasuted to write (I know, its shocking) and so I'll end up with this random little blurb about something. You see, typically I'm very careful with my posts, I like to think through them and edit them so this whole spur of the moment writing thing will be very challenging. There are some days where I'm in my what I like to call my "writing zone".  I've got the Bon Iver radio station on Spotify cranked up, coffee in my system and my fingers are hitting the keyboard non-stop.

And there are other days where, I'll try to write something out but it doesn't come as easily regardless of the fact that I may have coffee by my side and comforting laid back acoustics in my ear. All that being said, I can't promise these posts will make sense because there are days I write and I am at a loss for the right words. So here it goes, 31 days of writing posts filled with finished thoughts and unfinished thoughts and probably plenty of grammatical errors : )

Something that I was reminded of today is that it is Christ in us that gives us the power to overcome our natural ways of behaving. It is abnormal for us to choose to honor God, it's a lot easier to be selfish, to idolize, to give into how we feel. But we don't have to do that. We can choose to remind ourselves that if we have accepted Christ, we are a new creation. God knows that it's not in our nature, that's why we have Christ. Colossians 3:1-17 Talks about how since our lives are hidden with Christ we can have victory over our flesh. Later on in this passage it talks about how we should let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and again let the message of Christ dwell in us richly. I think that to start, the key is to remind ourselves constantly and daily of who Christ is and the peace that he gives us.I find that when I think more about Jesus, I honor him more. When I am actively memorizing God's words, I can more easily recall a verse or passage to mind when my mind is going places it shouldn't or my attitude is going somewhere it shouldn't.

Challenge yourself today to think about Jesus more and the peace and freedom he has brought, challenge yourself to memorize a verse or two. Next time you find yourself struggling with something, remind yourself that you can fight it because Christ is in you.

Have a great Sunday!



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