Day 7: Grumbling Doesn't Accomplish Anything

      When I was in Elementary school, I had this one teacher who would say "attitude check" whenever we complained about an assignment or task we were given. When she said "attitude check" we were to respond with, "Praise the Lord!" I know it's a little silly but even though myself and past students will laugh about it, I can see that she was onto something with that little routine.

     One of the ways that we are broken is the attitude in our hearts. It's easier to be discontent or complain rather than be grateful and not whine. The other day at work I could have used my 1st grade teacher's reminder. I was the only barista that was in the store while we were having some maintenance work done. My manager had given me a list of things to deep clean. When I first realized that I was the only one cleaning while the shift supervisors that were there got to sit on their laptops and study health codes, I got really annoyed. But then I had this little tug at my heart that reminded me that if I walk around with a scowl on my face and complain about the tasks I was given, I would not be reflecting Christ. I also realized later on that complaining about cleaning was kind of petty and in the end, didn't really accomplish anything.

    In Philippians 2:14-15, we are commanded to "do all things without grumbling or disputing, so that you may be blameless and innocent children of God in the midst of a twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world"

   When we come to know Christ, we are made pure and spotless in God's sight. We are given the Holy Spirit to convict us and guide us. Philippians 2:13, states, "for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure". God is working in us to help us say, "Praise the Lord!" when we would rather whine and complain. When we don't complain about something, we are showing Jesus and people will be able to see something different in us. May we remember the example that we are setting when we are tempted to give in and whine. 


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