Day 6: A Change of Plans

So it turns out that writing on a single topic for 31 days straight is really hard. It's hard to not feel like you're beginning to repeat yourself. I've been struggling a lot with coming up with things to say about Holiness without getting repetitive. I've also found that the topic I have picked may be a bit too broad. At first I was going to call it quits on this #write31days challenge and save it for later when I am a more faithful writer with more time on my hands. But then I realized that even though I'm behind that doesn't mean I should quit writing. As other things in life, sometimes we're going to fail and not accomplish what we wanted to, but that doesn't mean we should give up. I've wrestled with this topic and have had many days where I have stared blankly at my laptop so instead for the rest of the month the new name for my 31 days challenge will be "New: learning to let brokeness become something beautiful". I will be breaking down areas of life where we "put on the new self" because of who we are now in Christ. I can't promise that I will always be on track with the days but I will do my best. I am excited to share with you the things that I have learned and am excited to see if what I share can encourage you as you are reminded of the new person you become when you accept Christ.


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