My Sin, Not In Part but the Whole

Tomorrow may mean something different for all us. For some of us it may be all about how nice we’re going to look and how excited we are to wear our new Easter dress or shirt. For others, we may be looking forward to some extra candy from our grandparents and eating our grandmother’s famous Easter dinner. Some of us may enjoy the festivities while at the same time thanking Jesus for what he has done for us. And for some of us, it may just be another Sunday. Another day to kick back and relax.

Some often thank Jesus tomorrow for how he has saved them and for his defeat over death. They thank him for freeing them from the bondage of sin. I have realized recently that it is easier to thank him for the redemption of things from our past that he has freed us from and for defeating death once and for all. It’s harder though to recognize that his victory over death impacts us in the things we are currently letting have a stronghold over us. The things that are our Achilles’ heel. We all have those things that seem to have a hold over us more than anything else. If one thing hits this struggle of ours, we instantly trip up and find ourselves taking a face plant to the ground.

I know I have that feeling when something hits a struggle that I see as my Achilles’ heel. It’s like if one thing nudges that anxiety or struggle, everything else about me seems to go tumbling down. It’s easy to beat yourself up.What the heck, why is this bugging me? I thought I worked at this, I thought I got rid of that.The list goes on. Before you know it, you find yourself down spiraling viciously into the land of negative Nora and you have yourself convinced that as a Christian you should know better. Yes, but remember you’re not a superhuman. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that we should repent, and ask for forgiveness when we go against God but I do not think we should hold on to shame and guilt.

I had “It is Well” stuck in my head the other day and as I was getting ready one morning, I started singing it. I knew the hymn very well and heard it tons of times throughout my life. Suddenly, I got to a line that I never thought about till after I had sung it, “My sin not in part, but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more” Not in part but the whole. Not just my past sin, not just my future sin but my present sin as well. I bear it no more. It no longer is over me or has to have such a strong grip on me.

Friend, whatever you feel like is holding bondage over you today, know that it too was nailed to the cross. You don’t need to walk around with your head down and allow yourself to be defeated by your Achilles’ heel. Jesus’ victory in death gives you victory over it. I don’t have all the answers and I really do struggle some days to remember that I am free, but for today I do know that Jesus’ victory helps us have victory over past, present and future sin.

“by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross”-Colossians 2:14

Remind yourself today you are free if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. You don’t have to let sin have a strong hold over you. If you do not know Jesus,check out the video below to find out more.


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