A Letter To The Guys

Dear You,
I know this post is not at all what I usually write but after hearing some pretty powerful testimonies in one of my classes tonight my eyes’ were opened to a battle that many of you may struggle with-porn. And tonight I heard a guy say that he didn’t want to mention his struggle with porn because he was worried about how the girls in the class might view him. Hearing him say this opened my eyes to the shame you might feel and it broke my heart.

I guess I just wanted to write this post to say I can’t speak for all the girls out there in the world but if you do/did struggle with it, I am not disgusted by you. I’m disgusted by it. But you don’t disgust me and knowing that about you wouldn’t change my opinion of you. Because we all have our junk and though all our junk looks different or the same it’s all still junk. We’ve all screwed up and we’ve all gone places we wish we hadn’t.

So quit letting the enemy whisper in your ear about your past to hold you back from fighting for the kingdom. If you’ve confessed it and asked for forgiveness, it’s in the past. Christ has taken care of it and he’s working in you now. Depend on him. Find joy in him. Rely on him. And if you’re ever given the chance to share your story, don’t hold back. Because why would you want to hide a story of God’s undeserving grace that glorifies Him. God wants to use you and your story-all of it-even the parts you often want to hide when you share your testimony. We shouldn’t be ashamed of where we’ve been because when we talk about where we’ve been-we can really see all that Christ has done in us. And it’s incredible.

I guess to close; I’d just like to say if you are still struggling-tell someone and get help and go from there. Don’t keep it to yourself. I know, who am I to advise you about something I know nothing about. But I do know that when you’re struggling with something you may be embarrassed about or is too painful, it’s better to address it instead of bottling up. Because taking that step of admitting and getting help makes a difference still.

I know this letter may have been a little weird and maybe reading a letter from an anonymous girl out in the world or a girl you’ve maybe spoken two words to or maybe more, saying that you don’t disgust her won’t make a difference to the shame and guilt you may continue to wrestle with despite confessing it and working through it. But if it can, my hope is that you don’t beat yourself up on where you’ve been but instead focus on where you are now, what Christ has done in you and how he can use you. You are not garbage. You are not repulsive. You are not a pervert. You are son of the one true King. You are to be a warrior for the Kingdom.

So keep your eyes on Him. Draw near to Him. And don’t be ashamed to share where you’ve been. He’s making you new, the old has gone.

A Sister In Christ


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