Where The Spirit Of the Lord Is There Is Freedom

This is something that I have been learning about lately and thinking through so I just wanted to share and hopefully encourage anyone who might be wrestling with finding freedom today.

I don't know about you but in general letting God fill me up instead of people is something that is really easy for me to wrestle with in the summer because when I'm at school, I have people pouring into me all the time and I can meet up with people whenever I want and get my fill. But while going to mentors, and trusted friends isn't bad. I am realizing that I shouldn't be fully dependent on them.

So when we lack that encouragement and life gets busy and we don't end up picking our Bible til the end of the day. It's no wonder that we would start to feel empty. So then BAM! In comes Satan-with his lies and temptations. You try to fight these things off but it keeps getting worse, and then you just reach this point where you realize that you have no power whatsoever to overcome this lie or temptation.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17)

I can easily forget how powerful God really is and that I do have freedom in Him, but it says it right there in black and white- "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom" If we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have the Spirit of the Lord with us-so we shouldn't fear and we don't need to feel bound by things. But so often we forget the freedom we really do have. When we forget, we get insecure. We try to fight battles ourselves. We fill our heads up with the wrong stuff.

But we have freedom in Christ, so we are not bound by these things and we are not alone.

I'd like to challenge you after your done reading this to just take some time with God. Lay it all out on the table for Him. If you're feeling empty, tell Him. If you're worried, be honest with Him. Share with Him any dreams or goals that you've been considering lately. Spend some time confessing any sins to Him as well. He wants to hear from you. There really is so much freedom in Him.

I know it's one of those things that can easily leave our hearts and go to our heads instead but I think we need to daily remember the freedom we have in Him. He is with us. So with Him, we can overcome this or that. Remember that each day.



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