Resistant or Moldable?

This past weekend I went on a retreat with my dorm. We learned about how God's the potter and we are the clay and it is our job to allow Him to mold us however He wants. To be honest, when I first heard that we were going to be talking about the clay and potter relationship I thought, oh cool, maybe I can get something out of it but I've heard it a thousand times why would I need to hear it again? Boy, was I so wrong. God humbled me big time and made me realize that I was not being that obedient of a piece of clay as much as I would like to think I was.

Because if I really did trust my potter, I would not try to control situations in my life as much as I do or overanalyze every little thing and ask my potter questions like, "Do You really think I'm ready for this?" or "I don't know about that God uhh how about You lead me somewhere else....." I have to daily give up control and daily say okay I don't know where this will lead or what will happen but I'm trusting You. Now can I do this if I am not daily getting into His Word? No, of course not. I should not be suprised if I am struggling with this thing or that thing or struggling to trust and then realize "Oh yea, I did not read from the Bible today or even in the past three days" More conviction.

The thing is how are we going to trust God or believe what He is saying if we are not daily filling ourselves up with His word? I know life gets busy and crazy and I know it seems like another thing to check off the list but I've realized how important this really is lately. Prayer time won't do it all. Worship time won't do it. Relationships won't do it. Mentors won't do it. I can only hear His truths and be filled up if I take the time to read from His word.

When we spend that time reading His truths daily and reciting His truths it fills us up. That's another thing. It's not just you read it then close your Bible and go about your day, I'm realizing that I need to constantly be reciting His words to get them into my heart. I remember times when I would go to someone about something and they'd ask me, "Did you read your Bible today?" I'd respond, "Well, I mean I journaled today and listened to some worship music......" Oh wait. It's so true. I'm not very strong on this either and it takes daily devotion and daily practice but the reality is we cannot be obedient, trusting pieces of clay if we are not filling ourselves up with His word every single day.

So today, I'd encourage you to spend sometime not only in His Word today but also remembering His Word, taking all thoughts to Him, reciting scripture. It is a challenge, it really is but it can be done. We just have to make an effort, including myself if we want to be more moldable pieces of clay instead resistant.


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