The Void

The other day I was attending a Bible Study that talked about finding contentment in singleness. The lesson went beyond finding contentment in being single it talked about being content in all seasons that God places you in. So many times we are always wondering "what's next?" and we rarely forget to enjoy the moment that God currently places us in.

I've heard it and said it myself so many times. "Oh if I could just be in a relationship with so and so." Then they date and she or he still isn't satisfied. "Oh God, ya know if I could just have that job or position things would be perfect". And then they get the job or position and are still not satisfied. People get married, have kids and maybe even what would be the ideal job for them and they are still left hungering for more.

The thing that everyone including myself is hungering for is God. Only He can fill that "void" inside us that is longing for something deeper. As long as we are on this earth one thing I am certain of is that we will always hunger for more and we will realize that God is that "more" then we will wrestle and the cycle will start again. But we don't have to battle this cycle on on our own, we can ask God to work at our hearts and help us to find contentment in Him.

And it's not an easy thing. Lately, I have to remind myself every five minutes that I should only look to God to fill that void and yet it is still something I struggle with daily. I forget to even remind myself most times. But when I do remind myself that He is the only one who can bring peace and contentment and think of who He is and all that He has done I am at peace.

I was just reminded of that today lately and wanted to remind you too because it's something I think we all can be reminded of. So whether you're waiting on that job, guy/girl, title or answer. Take a moment and focus on God, who He is, how He has worked in your life, thank Him, and ask Him how you can be glorifying Him today, at this moment and in this current season. You'll find yourself at peace.

"Yes, my soul find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge."
Psalm 62:5-8


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