One Of Life's Greatest Lessons

This summer, I was taught a major life lesson that has taken me nearly over 15 years to finally get."We should love others without expecting anything in return. We should love others because God calls us to." I realized this as I thought through various encounters I've had this year and have been put in positions where I need to love someone even though I don't want to or it might be hard to. God has been showing me a lot lately about what it really means to love. We hear it so often, "love your neighbor as yourself" but sometimes we hear it and then just kind of let it sit in our mind.

This past year, I have worked with or have known others that I had some trouble working with and I know they weren't too fond to work with me. And as much as that hurts, there's going to be some people that will find you difficult to work with or get along with. There's going to be people that will intentionally hurt you because for whatever reason they don't like you. And while I don't like to admit it, I know I am a total people pleaser. So as you can imagine as I was trying to please these people, I was only left upset, exhausted and empty. If I showed them love, the love was not always returned. We don't like to admit it but I know for me sometimes I will even love others to be loved in return and I can find that I can get so focused on what can I get in return. I realized this as I thought about how much I struggle to place my security in Christ and instead place it in others, pleasing others.

And then it hit me, we shouldn't love others expecting to be loved in return, we should love because that's what God asks us to do.

"Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'."
-Matthew 22:34-39

It's hitting me more and more lately, this life is truly not about me-yet I make it about me. It truly is about Him and glorifying Him. So if He is calling me to love my neighbor even though I may not be loved in return or do not really want to love my neighbor. I should love them because HE is asking me to. And that should be our reason to love others- because it is what God has commanded us to do.


  1. Wonderfully written Amy! So glad God has been pursuing you with this!

  2. Lovely post :)

    I found you through Sarah's blog at The Sweetness of Laughter and I am your newest follower. Thanks for the encouragement!!

    Joanna @


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