Ladies Read This!!

This morning I was listening to an online sermon from my church back at my college on the Proverbs 31 woman and he said something that I think women, young women and girls really need to hear because the culture we live in today really has skewed up our minds, our values of ourselves, our securities and makes it impossible to live in. So here it is. Write it down somewhere you won't loose it and look at this often:

"Ladies, Do not be afraid of failure or rejection of not being pretty enough-Do NOT succomb to this culture and be afraid that you're not matching up to this culture-I want you to know that if you are following God's virtues on this-you will be clothed with strength and dignity because men will look into your eyes and see a sparkle and see joy and will be blessed"
-Pastor Bobby

The rest of the sermon was really good, and I'd encourage you to check it out!
My links aren't working but google Community Fellowship Church the one in Lancaster, go to the media page and click on the sermon that says Proverbs 31 Woman


  1. Wow! Love this...thank you so much for sharing girl:) love Katie


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