What It Really Means To Trust

Many times when God is at work in our lives, He will take things away. Things that we thought were good at the time but then we can look back and be like "Oo God You were so right. You really know what You're doing here don't You?" We have peace knowing that He knows what He's doing and its awesome when we can see how His plans really were for our good. But what about when we plan on doing things that glorify Him and things fall through? How do we trust Him then?

Lately, I feel like God's really reminding me to trust Him even when I can't see what's in store or don't understand why He's doing what He's doing. In both cases, I wanted to serve Him right? So why wouldn't He open those doors for me? Because He knows what will glorify Him even more and in the one case I am able to see why He didn't give me a certain opporunity and it's neat to be able to be a part of His plan. But in the other case, sometimes I'm still struggling to understand why He didn't give me the opportunity. Even though I think about factors and I'm like "okay God that makes sense" it still frustrates me.

However, a part of me kind of likes it when God changes my plans because then I can see that He is at work in me and is molding me into who He wants me to be. Which is pretty sweet. The thing is even when things don't work out the way we wanted them to, we need to just trust Him because He knows what He is doing. We don't always have to understand, heck we can even be upset but we have to reach a point where we're like "Ok, God its in Your hands, I don't get it, but work in my heart to show me to be more open to this new arrangement of this puzzle that You've been working on and see that this will glorify You the most"

As I learn that I need to just continue to let go and give myself over to God. I can't help but think of a famous quote by a lady who really knew what it meant to trust God.

"Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open" -Corrie ten Boom

Trusting means trusting Him in the good and the bad. Easier said then done as is pretty much everything else on this crazy beautiful journey haha.

So help me to just continue to trust You Lord even when I don't really understand what You're doing here.


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