Silence Can Be A Good Thing

The other day instead of pulling out my prayer journal and venting to God about my life and sharing my random thoughts. I decided to just take some time to just sit and be quiet. At first it was a little awkward, when was the last time I just sat down in silence? Not scribbling down on a piece of paper, not standing up singing, not talking with people, not frantically typing on a laptop trying to get stuff done or not taking notes over and over again so I could do well on an exam? I haven't been still and silent in months. Even when I pray, I always forget to quiet myself before God, I usually just start sharing my thoughts, my desires, my insecurites and the things that are overwhelming me. While that's not bad because God does care about those things. I so easily forget to just be still. Yet that's what God calls us to do. In the midst of life's craziness to just be still and now that He is God. Which is hard to do when life gets crazy and things feel like they are all over the place. As I sat there (before I ended up falling asleep hahah which was much needed though :) ) I don't know how to describe it but I just felt so much peace. It was like everything that I was stressed out about didn't worry me. Instead of time feeling like it was speeding up and me knowing I had to be at this place and that place each hour, it was like time just stopped and I had a whole day before me even though it was 4 in the afternoon. Sometimes we need to just stop thinking, stop doing and just sit in silence before God. Its clichey sounding I know but it really does put things in clearer perspectives and bring peace.

"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
-Psalm 46:10 NIV


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