What Love Really Means

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

“Love is paitient, Love is Kind, it does not envy it does not boast. It is not proud it is not rude….” (1 Corithians 13: 4-8) and yada yada. Now I’m sure this is a verse that you have heard countless times. It is one of those verses that someone who has never even set foot in a church has heard. You see it on bumper stickers, plastered on walls, posted as a status, maybe you’ve even seen it on a T-shirt. Though this is a verse that we know by heart, and hear all the time, it seems to me that this is a verse that we hear and read but rarely take the time to REALLY hear it and REALLY understand it. Lately, I’ve been able to see what this verse is really saying and what it looks like to put it into practice. Loving others, even when that’s the last thing you want to do. It’s hard to love those that have hurt you, been flat out rude to you. Maybe you're gonna show love to them, and they will still hurt you. Why love if it won't be returned? It's so much easier to just be equally hard towards someone or avoid them alltogether. But by being bitter towards those that hurt you, it doesn’t draw them any closer to Christ. So lately, I’ve been thinking about those that have hurt me in my life. As much as I want to remain bitter towards them, how does THAT help them come to know Christ or grow in Christ? It doesn’t. I’m learning that if I truly want to reflect Christ, I need to show a little bit more love, even when it’s hard to do. Honestly, this is a struggle for me. This is just something I've been thinking about lately and it's really been hitting me. It's the baby steps. If there is someone in your life that you are having trouble loving. Start out small. Pray for them. This may be hard to do at first but as time goes on you will really want to pray for them and you may even start to see them the way God sees them.

Show me how to love like You have loved me…


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