A Love Bigger Than Any We Know

Sometimes you're gonna hear- you're not good enough

Sometimes you're gonna hear-you're not strong enough

Sometimes you're gonna hear-you're not pretty enough

Sometimes you're gonna hear-you're not talented enough

You're not skinny enough, You're not outgoing enough, the list goes on....the bottom line being: You're not good enough.

But when that happens, you have to remember in the long run it doesn't matter because He IS enough.

Though its hard to admit and believe and I'll admit its hard to live this way. I'll also admit its a concept I'm still trying to grasp but the bottom line is this:
HIS opinion is the ONLY one that matters.

HE LOVES YOU. He loves you even more than you can EVEN fathom. We just have such a hard time getting that through the walls that we build around us. We have such a difficult time comprehending how much He REALLY loves us.

Sometimes we're too focused on this world and pleasing those around us to even TRY to grasp how BIG his love for us REALLY is.

Think about it. Would you die for people that rejected you, mocked you, disobeyed you, ran away from you and knew that even after this HUGE sacrafice you were going to make, you KNEW that some would still ignore you, reject you, mock you, and turn from you. Would you DIE for those people?

Many of us would say no- honestly, I know I wouldn’t die for those people. But His love for us is greater than ANYTHING on this earth could EVER be.
He loves you. He loves you more than anyone on this earth EVER could-even a husband or wife or parent.

We reject Him, disobey Him, mock Him, and yet He still wanted to give us the opportunity to spend ETERNITY with Him.

Would you want to spend eternity with people that mock you, reject you or disobey you?

No. But His love is deeper than any kind of love we know here on earth.
So God sent Christ who died on the cross for you and me. You and me: liars, cheaters, murderers, gossipers, worriers. People SO unworthy of God’s presence.

But He loves you and me SO much-He wanted us to live with Him forever. How cool is that?! Though we deserve Hell. Though we are naturally born sinners full of sin who deserve to suffer for all eternity-He chose to give us the option of being saved and living forever with him.

It’s really neat and overwhelming isn’t it?


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