The Bigger Picture

Lately, I've been reading "Humility: True Greatness" by C.J. Mahaney. In chapter 11, Responding Humbly To Trials it talked about how Habakkuk was able to change his perspective from crying out to God asking why God would let his people suffer to rejoicing in the Lord because He is God of the salvation. It emphasized how God has saved us from a suffering thats way worse than ANY suffering that we will go through here on earth. This got me thinking....

Maybe sometimes we forget how big of a deal salvation is- we belittle it and forget sometimes that knowing we are saved- just that ALONE should bring us comfort, peace and joy. I think sometimes we need to be reminded of how precious and wonderful of a gift that is. But sometimes we forget.

I'm not saying that even with this mindset life isn't still hard- life sucks sometimes and thats just the truth and its okay to be upset and admit that some things are just hard. Theres nothing wrong with being upset about something. Its just important to remember the bigger picture in the midst of it all.

Until reading about that, I had kind of forgotten how precious and meaningful the gift of salvation is. I had forgotten that that alone should bring me more peace.<3


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