
In life we tend to place our security in so many things; our friendships, our relationships, our families, who we are, the amount of money we have, how others see us and the list goes on....But we really need to put our security in one thing alone, Christ. I've learned from past experiences that when I get caught in EVERYTHING else and start to put my security and idenity in other things-earthly thing, friendships and relationships- I end up hurting and upset. In a recent sermon, the speaker said, "When you loose your relationship with God, you loose your relationship with everything else."
This is definitely true. When we take God out of the picture and try to find random things to replace the void that He only fills-we end up hurt, hurting, upset and loose that security. We need to place our security in Christ-who he is , who he always has been. With Christ we are able to handle anything the world throws at us.

As I mentioned before with Betsy ten Boom-the thing was , things didn't exactly get better, however she took a godly perspective on things and was able to handle the pain she was going through.
She was beaten til she bled by guards if they felt she deserved it. The room she stayed in at Ravensbruck was hot, overcrowded, flea-infested and carried a foul odor. Every day, she and her sister, Corrie would have to deal with the fear of knowing that one of those days there they were going to die and the death was more than likely going to be far from pleasant.

She was able to endure these things only with the unbreakable strength from Christ. She decided to take the focus off everything going on around her and instead focused on her Prince and how wonderful he was and took His perspective on things. She focused on one day; knowing she would meet her heavenly Prince.

Soon things did change.The rooms remained the same but she took advantage of the over crowded rooms and began to lead worship services that drew oher women at Ravensbruck to Christ. The fleas still came and the rooms remained disgusting. But they were so gross and fiflthy, the guards never set foot because they did not want to get ill. Betsy praised God because the secret worship services were never discovered because of this.

She found a beauty in everything there. The guards and the people there, she saw broken and in need of Christ. Nothing changed from one's eye. They still lived miserably and were horribly mistreated. However, Betsy's heart was changed and she had strength. She decided to spend her days living for her Prince and took her focus off her struggles, her worries, her fears and it made everything more bearable.

It blows my mind to see how much God can work in someone. Its aweeesome to see how great his strength is and the strength he gives us to help us endure even the toughest things<3

"The Lord will guide you ALWAYS- he will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame, you will be like a well-watered garden, a spring whose waters NEVER fail" -ISAIAH 58:11


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