its not about me, its about Him

The other day I was doing my devos and I noticed something while reading 1 Peter 1:3-9. In verse 6 it says, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials". I interepreted this verse that it was talking about how we will suffer on earth but the time here on earth compared to enternity is barely anything.

Just look at the wording "for a little while" these words really hit me. Our time here on earth is so short-why do we put all our time and effort...into...into what? into popularity? into trying to fitting in..for what? what's the point? why do we focus so much on making sure we are loved and accepted? Why do we do that when..when this isn't even our home. Our focus should be on God and living our lives for Him. Our focus should be becoming like Jesus so we can lead others to Him. In life on earth, we shouldn't be asking ourselves-"what can I get out of this? we should be focusing on how can I show Christ to this person? How can I honor God doing this or that? How can I use this talent of mine to glorify Him?

Why is it so hard for us to get in the right mindset? its frustrating and I admit that I wrestle with it too.



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