The Bittersweet Waiting Room

I'm sitting here in a place
I've not touched before
A place where pain and joy so clearly intersect
Some days, I cannot bear to think of tomorrow's
Some days, I cannot contain my joy for small simple things about life

How long Oh Lord?
How long?
How long must I sit here?
Here, in the bittersweet
Here, in the in-between

How long must I be angry?
How long til my tears will run dry?
The pain does not subside 
Yet some days, my eyes are dry

The pain does not subside
Yet the sight of sunbeams
puts a gleam in my eye

The pain does not subside
Yet laughter leaves my mouth
Dimples on my face come to life

The pain does not subside 
Yet I love what I see in the mirror lately
and I am kinder than ever to that small, insecure, lanky, quiet 8th grade girl,
The one that used to hide inside

The pain does not subside 
Yet I look forward to gatherings
To see people that have touched my heart overtime

The pain does not subside 
but I've been dreaming big lately
And putting paints to canvases
Bringing images to life

The pain does not subside 
but I feel constantly ever more grateful
and am grasping all over again what it means to be alive

And perhaps, perhaps this is what it looks like
To wait in the waiting room
Perhaps, perhaps this is what happens when wounds cut deeper
Perhaps this is what happens when you are healing,
Digging deeper into worn down cardboard boxes you used to keep off to the side
Perhaps this is what happens when all the pain in the world seems so big,
I want to bandage it all up, Oh but I am so small
Only One divine could do it, only One could pay that price

Perhaps, perhaps this is what Lewis meant 
When he wrote of the longing we will always have for another life
Another world

Maybe this pain is meant to open my eyes
To remind me that this life, is not the only life
To remind me that this "home" is not mine
Perhaps this is actually what "already, but not yet" looks like


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