Incompetent Without Christ

"Because it’s never about your capabilities. When you’re in covenant with Christ, it’s His responsibility to cover your cracks, to be all your competency and completeness. Inabilities, in Christ, are made all-sufficient, just-right abilities. Abandon worries — and wholly abide." Ann Voskamp

I have been learning that I am not as strong on my own as I would like to make out to be. I have been learning that it's not about if I can do it or if I'm good enough to do it but it's about Christ's strength and how He gives me strength to do it.

Recently, I was given the position of CA ( Community Assistant) at my school. A CA is someone who is there to build community, and be there for the other students in their section spiritually, build relationships, encourage them and work as a team with the RA.

As I was going through the training, I realized how inadequate I was for such a postition. I realized that I have just as many struggles as the incoming freshmen and am still trying to figure out who I am in Christ and what that is supposed to look like. As this hit me, I began to wonder, "God, why did you give me this? How in the world am I supposed to lead them,if I'm wrestling with all this stuff too?" I started to doubt why I was given this role.

But then through talking with some friends who were also CAs and RAs, they helped me to realize that it's not about if I can do it, on my own I can't but it's about letting God be my strength.

This has continued to be the theme as the semester began. Numerous stresses bombarded me, on top of that a fever and a massive sore throat. I remember the other day, being like "God, I can't do this."

But sure enough, I just kept going. I really have nothing in me to keep going, but somehow, I keep going. That's when it hit me that I'm not strong enough, but He is strong enough and He will give me strength. It was actually really cool, this past week was probably one of the few rare times in my life, where I felt like I was relying on God alone and others, because I had nothing left in me and did not want to keep going.

It's amazing how God gives you strength to keep going when you let God take things and be your strength when you have no strength at all.

"Don't you know? Haven't you heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to Him who has no might He increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall renew their strength; they will mount up on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

-Isaiah 40:28-31


  1. Okay, so I just read this again and find my first comment a little odd. I really like quotes by Ann is what I meant.. I found this really encouraging tonight though. I'm sort of feeling the same way, like I just want to give up...what a great reminder that God is our strength. :) Okay really, I'm done commenting. ;)

  2. hahah awee Kari! I knew what ya meant. Awee I'm glad that's what this is for:)


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