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A New Pot

The soil seems dried up The leaves have faded What once grew tall and proud Remains stagnant Sitting in the corner of a dimly lit room Too far away from the windows  Too far away to catch a glimmer of light “What are you doing over there?” The old man asks the avocado plant by the corner. “What’s happened to you?” “Life.” The plant replies looking weary and tired  “My leaves are losing its vibrancy and I can’t grow anymore I feel stuck” The old man looks at the dried up plant. Not with disdain nor disgust but instead with a look in his eyes that nearly mirrors love.  “You’re not stuck,” the old man quietly says. “You simply need a new pot to grow in, this old one is getting too small, it’s time for something new”  The old man walks over to the closet where he keeps extra pots, he reaches in and grabs a larger pot from it then walks out, picks up the plant, carries the new pot and grabs a bag of soil. He carries everything outside. He sets the bag of soil on the ground, opens it up and

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